Sunday, 22 April 2012

Right now I feel bed is calling me for some rest. Don't give up your day job! What job!? Lifes work you mean? No! I won't! But for now I need a rest otherwise I will not be able to do jack (beep) for (beep) !

Goodnight and Sweetreams my little Angels and Demon friends :)

20 Random Questions

20 Random Questions

This is a game that we play called 20  Random Questions. I will list 20 questions of which, answer them on this page. Copy and Paste the list and then you can just type in your answers and post. A slightly more
entertaining way to get to know a bit more about each other.


Q1: What is your favourite colour?
A1:  Red                                                   

Q2: What is most important to you, personality or looks?
A2:  Personality                   

Q3: If someone offered you £100,000,000 would you take it?
A3: No because I would want to work properly for it.
Q4: Where in the world would you most like to be right now?
A4: Not sure to be honest right this moment in time.              

Q5: Which do you perfer, the Sun or the Moon? 
A5: I know that both hold their importance to life on this planet and as part of
       our Universe but I prefer the Moon everytime, full ones especially.                                

Q6:  Are you married, have a partner, widowed or single?
A6:  Single                    

Q7:  When did you last cry? 
A7:   A few days ago                                                                

Q8: Computer Games or Films? 
A8: Computer Games everytime!                                                         

Q9: Have you ever fired a gun?
A9: Yes I have                                                            

Q10: If you've seen a shooting star
  has a wish ever come true when you wished on it?
 A10: No, never and I have seen 5 of them.                

Q11: What do you hate most about yourself internally?
A11:  Bad choices I've made.                          

Q12: If you could have any superpower what would it be?
A12: Immortality                    

Q13: Have you ever wanted to go into outer space?  
A13: Yes, thought about it quite a lot actually.                             

Q14: If you could change or have changed anything about
      yourself what would it be or what was it?  
A14: I stopped being so trusting of people, had a lot of bother due to being so trusting.
Q15: If someone says to you, you have never done this
      and you have never done that, or you have never
      been in that situation so you wouldn't do this or
      that, what is it you reply to them?  
A15: There's still time.                                                

Q16: What is the time right now where you are?
A16:  8:46am                                    

Q17: Do you believe sanity exists?
A17: No, not in the least.                                                         

Q18: Would you ever marry for money?
A18:  No, only for love                                                 

Q19: Have you ever broke a mirror?
A19: Yes! 7, all by accident!                                                       

Q20: Are you a Realist, Optimist, Idealist or Cynic?  
A20: Realist                           

General Page for off topics

This is just a general page for off topics

Not quite a diary, I mean..I had one once..but I lost it many moons ago..and besides I wouldn't want everybody reading my diary if I had one lol!

Saturday, 21 April 2012

I apologise for any errors in my text, that you might not be able to fully understand in some places. If not I apologise, only I have not slept and my brain is all over the place and frankly not even just to do with not sleeping. I will edit these out sometime later on when or if my brain decides to return to me!!! Probably not!!! I has been missing for quite some time now!!

Now, if anybody has any suggestions or perhaps requests of something they might like to hear on the album feel free to contact me. I am open to all ideas and suggestions.

I also like to challenge myself, even when times hit lowest for me; even it may not appear not to people, what appears and what is the case are two different things as very often. Every penny made will make such a difference and as I have always said "Look after the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves."

If only I could be a lottery winner, then I could help out a lot more where I would like to, but nothing much ever seems to work that way. I'm not saying I wouldn't spend any on me and close people to me at all; but, I don't need an awful lot myself. Just a place of my own would be pretty much enough and I think and feel that there a lot of people that are the same on this.

Now, I realise this will be some task considering that I have never actually even made an Album before. Like as in literally never completed one!!! So many reasons why I have not, and one of this because I have so much music that basically..well..put it this way..I go from one track to the next..get an idea..not sure where to go...onto something else...can't get all that I want. The thing is for the first time in the last year and half I am suffering with the absolute worst case of writers block that probably could be encountered to man!!!!! Well maybe not the worst...I don't know.....but it sure feels like it...because I used to literally write at least 10 tracks a day, most of the time...and lately...just been finding it all a bit of a task to get 1...but do you think that I will let even this stop me? No, I won't......because this should even help me get my creativity back...this should give me an incentive and even more of a reason to get it back...
In the past I have raised money for charity. However, the last thing that I did musically for charity was for Children in Need. I did a 24 sposored piano play. I literally played the Piano for 24 hours straight. A friend fed me food and drink, the only exception was toilet breaks. But, I kept a toy piano beside me, so that when I needed to go to the toilet, to make it more interesting and fun I took it with me!!! Played it till I got back to the Piano and there you have it! It was extremely exhausting! I hardly used my little fingers through playing it, and because I am self taught and not classically trained, for sure I have picked up bad habits. Now my little fingers are rather oddly spaced from my ring fingers, but that considering most things is a very small price to pay to play, unlike other things that are really not.
Now, I have taught myself to do everything that I can do musically pertty much, except a couple of lessons many years down the line of being self taught; and in a nut shell, the same with the engineering. And believe you me, there is still one hell of a lot that I really do not know. But, do you know what? Am I going to let that stop me? No, I am not, because I am determined to do this. Am I going to let me being ill stop me from still doing this? No, I am not because I will do this.

Obviously, being that there is still a lot I really don't know about Engineering and everything, well...let's just say I hope I don't hit any snags on the day of something I have to try to figure out on how to do it. I really do hope not. But, I am being honest when I say that I am after all human and I really do not know that much, but the main thing is here that I will be trying my damnest to do it.
I could go into a million and one reasons what could stop me doing this, but do you know what? I am not going to do so. No matter what is happening with me, there are people a lot worse off always still, no matter what there is always somebody worse off than yourself. The only thing that would prevent me from doing this is death very literally.
Now, the album will have no limits as oppose to what genre of music will be on it, no limits to anything on it really. The one thing I will say here is that it will certainly all be new lyrics, or freestyles. Because as I have no team, I will literally only have around 2 hours per track/song to, write the lyrics, master mix the vocals and music, engineer my performance and produce it. Now the instumentals will be priorly arranged, but not fully produced when the day comes. I will literally have to get my vocals in, in 1 to 2 takes being that time will be pushed per song/track.

However I feel, whatever is going on. I am going to push myself to do this, it is extremely important to me.
Now if anybody likes the finished Album, once it is completed, I will only be too happy to give away signed copies.
Now, I know it is the case that this has been achieved by some people with teams of people behind them. However, not going to be the case for me, as previously mentioned in the beginning of this blog.

I feel this will kill two birds with one stone, so to speak! I am in a very dark place right now and frankly, regardless of how I am struggling with day to day life, regardless of my situation at all, I want to help other people out still. Now, not only will I raise money for Cancer Research, which is something close to my heart very much so, due to losing close people to me to it; but I  will be, honoring everybodies memories that has died of this wretched diesease, as well as also, honoring survivers of it, also people that have lost others to it too. It will help to find a cure; and at the same time it will also drag me out this dark place; If not forever, than at least certainly for a short while, which is better than never as far as I am concerned.
Now, I am unsure of the exact date this will take place as of yet, but hopfully should be sometime in the near future.

The main thing that will be quite difficult if anything is getting the sponsors, what with the economic climate the way it has been and probably will remain for quite some time; or quite possibly get worse. The thing is, most of us are pretty much in the same position, struggling, ill, cannot work, or no jobs even if we could work to get one, there are none that are going. Still, either way, I am not going to let anything stand in the way of me doing what I have set out to do.
Ok, here's the deal I am going to make an Album in 24 hours all by myself, no outside or inside help. Engineering, producing, Lyrics, Performing, the lot. 12 Songs will be on the album maybe 13 at a push if it's going really good! I am doing this to raise money for cancer research. Too many people die from this wretched diesease and there needs to be a cure found for it.